Why You Can Never Have Too Many WordPress Backups


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“I Don’t Need Backups”

– Famous Last Words

In the digital world, data is everything. Whether it’s your business records, personal documents, or website data, losing it can be catastrophic. This is especially true in the case of your WordPress website, which can often be the lifeblood of your business. It’s important to have multiple WordPress backups in place for security, disaster recovery, and overall peace of mind. In this post we’ll discuss some of the key benefits of taking backups and storing them in multiple locations.

Protection Against Multiple Threats

Cyber-attacks are on the rise, and with WordPress powering more than 43% of all websites, it is a highly targeted platform. Not to mention natural disasters, hardware failures, and power outages can all cause data loss and strike without warning, even in the most secure data-centers. Having multiple backups ensures that you have a safety net no matter what happens, and no matter where.


Redundancy is critical when it comes to WordPress backup. If your primary backup fails, having a secondary or tertiary backup can ensure that you still have a way to restore your data. Multiple backups also provides comfort in knowing that you have multiple copies of your data in different locations for even the worst case scenarios. It is also wise to choose different geographic regions to store your backups in case of natural disasters.

Version Control

WordPress backups can also be used for version control. Suppose you make changes to your website and need to revert to an earlier version. In that case, having multiple backups with different time stamps can help you find the version you need, and recover data from a particular point in time. Of course, this isn’t necessarily the intended purpose of backups, and you’d be better off choosing a version control tool like GitHub or Bitbucket to manage different versions of your code.


With cloud storage becoming more affordable, having multiple WordPress backups has become more cost-effective than ever. You can store backups in different cloud storage services such as Google Drive, Dropbox, or even on an external hard drive. This all provides redundancy and accessibility at a reasonable cost, and often in tandem with services you may already be using. Remember, you can’t put a price on peace of mind.


Depending on the industry you are in, there may be compliance requirements for data backup. Having multiple backups ensures that you meet compliance requirements, minimizing the risk of legal penalties or damage to reputation. When working with or storing client data, it is important that data can be recovered easily and delivered to the appropriate parties.


Having multiple WordPress backups is essential for protecting your data from various threats, ensuring redundancy, version control, and compliance. With the increasing affordability and accessibility of cloud storage, having multiple backups has become more accessible than ever before. So, never underestimate the importance of backups, and remember that you can never have too many backups.

Here at Hosterr, we provide automatic backups for every plan which are stored daily for 30 days, weekly for 52 weeks, and are sent to a minimum of two different geographic regions from the origin server.

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